Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here we go again...

I was dumbfounded to read this headline in today's paper (actually my initial response was "What the F__k!"). It was just a couple of years ago, in a similar ruling by the county attorney, that city residents of Ravalli County were kept from casting a vote on an initiative to restrict the size of big box stores in the valley (Wal-mart was the focus). The county attorney's ruling undoubtedly swung the narrow decision in favor of the anti-zoning crowd, a big win for Wal-mart. This time around voters inside city limits will not get a chance to voice their opinion on an initiative to repeal the Growth Policy on Tuesday. Proponents for repealing the Growth Policy will say it's a zoning policy, which it is not. The Growth Policy is a set of guidelines to deal with growth issues and a platform to base county-wide zoning on at a later date. This a major win for the anti-zoning/anti-streamside setback crowd. Although the repeal could yet fail, the county attorney's decision has made it much more difficult. I can already hear the death knells of the Ravalli County Growth Policy in the distance.

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