Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bush - the Anti-Environmentalist

The New York Times -- Rule to Expand Mountaintop Coal Mining

Every president tries to cement his legacy in the last few months of his final term by passing 11th hour regulations. Clinton did it. He declared nearly 60 million acres of national forest off limits to logging and road building and tightened standards for arsenic in drinking water in his final days. One would think that Bush and Co. would be trying to improve their image in the wake of two ongoing wars and an economy in the toilet, but no... they must make war on the environment also.

Mountaintop removal mining is a destructive way to mine coal in which mountain tops are blasted away, the coal removed, and the "overburden" used to fill in the adjacent valleys. It buries valley streams and destroys ecosystems and has been used extensively in West Virginia. Bush and Co. are trying to make sure their financial supporters in WV can mine coal this way for years to come. Check this out and then go see pj over at Buzztail for further reading.

Is there any doubt that Bush is lobbying for the title of Worst President in History!?


pj finn said...

I appreciate the nod. That's a great link to Mountain Justice. Thanks for posting it.

Francis H. Woods said...

No problem finn. Just keep doing what you're doing.