Thursday, July 10, 2008

T. Boone Pickens: The Man with a Plan?

Who is T. Boone Pickens? He's the "Man with a Plan!" say supporters. T. Boone Pickens put a out a 60 second commercial illustrating America's increasing dependence on foreign oil and the economic problems we face as a consequence. His solution: wind energy. This former oil man and now chairman of his own hedge fund is pushing renewable energy. Sounds fishy doesn't it? Yes, this is the same man who has his name all over the Oklahoma State campus. Yes, this is the same man who was a financial backer of George W. Bush's Texas and presidential campaigns. Yes, this is the same man who gave $3 million to the "Swift Vets and POWs for Truth" group who attacked John Kerry in 2004.

The contradictions give me pause. I like his ideas, but wasn't he backing the wrong horse the last two elections? I have to ask again, "Who is T. Boone Pickens?"


pj finn said...

It'll be interesting to keep an eye on him to see what he's all about. It's a little late in the game for a Ross Perot type run, but I find it interesting that in a recent post on Green Party Watch about potential VP candidates Pickens left a comment suggesting himself. Hmmm...

Francis H. Woods said...

I would think any comment left about Pickens as a possible V.P. candidate would be just to create a "buzz" and shift more eyes to his energy plan, and no more.