I am not a quote fanatic, but being a student of history, I often find that what was said in the past is applicable to the present and can guide us in the future... provided we listen. Three quotes to digest:
The often quoted line was uttered by FDR during his inaugural address on March 4, 1933. It was meant to calm and reassure a nation that was in the depths of the Great Depression and with unemployment hovering at 25%. It is a poignant line to contemplate regarding current events and today's political culture where campaigns are won and entire presidential administrations are run utilizing the power of fear.
Why do we wage war on a non-gov't sponsored band of Muslim zealots? Fear of another attack on U.S. soil (which will happen, they only have forever to make it happen)
Why did we wage war on Iraq and Saddam Hussein? Fear of what might happen (not to mention a Bush led campaign of misdirection reinforced by bad intel)
Why do we not have single-payer health care? Fear that gov't sponsored health care will be worse then current for-profit health care (plus change is always hard and comes agonizingly slow)
Why does the U.S. not recognize the marriage of same sex couples? Fear by the religious that doing so would somehow undermine the "Institution of Marriage" (something that heterosexual couples have been striving at for years)
Why do Democrats not unite like Republicans in opposing opposition led initiatives? Fear that they too would be selling their souls to the devil (Plus, Dems are too principled and not good at playing dirty)
"Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone." - Ayn Rand
From the woman that penned "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged," two of the original textbooks of Conservatism, Rand provides a line of warning to those that attempt to take on the Religious Wrong and Teabaggers (i.e. do not waste your breath on those that cannot think beyond their own confines). It also provides food-for-thought for the collection of groups with seemingly contradictory philosophies housed under Newt's Big Tent.
"To oppose something is to maintain it... You must go somewhere else; you must have another goal; then you walk a different road." - Ursula K. Le Guin
A bit of advice for today's politicians, especially the GOP... Instead of being the Party of "No!", come up with ideas to contribute in order to move the country forward instead of merely attempting to sabotage the other party and playing the game of politics.
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