Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kalispell Pastor's "Abomination" Message

kcfw -- Pastor and Politics

A pastor in Kalispell, MT, has put a sign outside his church that says, "USA... One Abomination Under God" as a reaction to the election. Pastor Clint Theline said that because "we still have free speech" that he needs to "tell people that the nation is going in the wrong direction." He believes that voting for Obama "brings abomination to America, like more support for abortion, homosexuality, and more secular conversation in schools."

You're kidding? Secular conversation in schools? No way! Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Pastor Theline. America, listen up! There is no greater threat to our children than secular talk! (Give me a break!)

Pastor Theline reasons that "God never calls us to unite with the wicked, so this is what's happening in America."

He claims he wasn't referring to Obama as being wicked, but instead is referring to the left. Now... that sounds like one-sided political talk coming from a church leader. Not good, Clint! With the aid of his sign, I'm guessing he'll be getting a visit from the IRS.

Being a person of faith, I find this kind of talk offensive and a misrepresentation of the majority of church-goers in this nation. There may be differences of opinion on how the government should legislate on abortion and same-sex marriage; there may also be a difference of opinion as to which party represents 'Christian morals'; but in the end, faith groups should be apolitical oasises of peace, love, and tolerance. It's sad to hear this kind of talk coming from a Christian leader, because it represents us as no better than any other fundamentalist religious group in the world. It's been said before and I believe it. The way to peace is education and understanding, not hate and intolerance. Maybe the good pastor from Kalispell could use a brush-up.

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