Friday, October 17, 2008

Know Your Stuff When Dialing For Votes

I got a call from the NRA yesterday. A young whipper-snapper was filling me in on how my gun rights were under assault by certain members of Congress and I had a right to be informed. I asked for names and he couldn't give me any because "it wasn't a political phone call" (he later solicited me for a NRA membership). I listened for a little while longer and asked some more questions, but I must have asked too many because he hung up. I guess I was keeping him from an important phone call.


flycaster said...

The NRA you mean Not a Realistic Agenda!

Francis H. Woods said...

A few sites to check out:

A good post from CO.
V* Political Report

and AHSA

Francis H. Woods said...

I'll give the NRA a little credit, at least I was talking to a real person and not a machine. I'll give a live caller a few minutes of my time, but robocalls like this are just a lazy and pathetic attempt to persuade people.