Friday, September 19, 2008

Tax Payers Bailing Out Bad Business

C-SPAN -- President Bush Remarks on the Economy

Republicans want to "get gov't off business's back" (a true free market economy?), that is until business gets itself in over its head. Then they're glad the government and taxpayers are there to bail business out. How did America get into a position where one or two companies going belly up affects the rest of us this much? - deregulation, consolidation, lack of oversight, and no foresight. Solution: help the financial institutions out, get 'em going, and then bust 'em up into smaller pieces. Of course, this comes from someone (me) who's sole financial experience is balancing the family checkbook once a month. But unlike the federal government, my checkbook IS balanced.

1 comment:

Francis H. Woods said...

Voice your concern about the $700 billion financial bailout package proposed by the Bush Administration. Check out the petition below.

Senator Bernie Sanders Petition (VT)

Thanks to chrislatray who posted a comment at Shakespeare&Co for providing the link.